What’s the difference between white and brown eggs?
How do eggs get to my grocery store?
What is an egg's nutritional value?
Posting Policy
Your Egg Questions is a moderated page. While we’re excited to see your questions and submissions to us, please understand that these posts may not appear on the page.
All users must comply with the site’s Terms of Use. We reserve the right to remove postings that are:
- Off-topic, offensive, abusive or inappropriate
- False, fraudulent, deceptive, inaccurate or misleading
- In violation of any privacy rights or intellectual property right of another
- In violation of any law or regulation
- Overtly promoting other products or services or assumed to be spam
We also reserve the right to reject submissions that:
- are not questions, but rather a statement of personal belief
- are not asking questions about eggs in Ontario
- are not asking about eggs or egg farming
- contain profanity or graphic material or
- are submitted from outside of Canada
If you wish to have your submission removed, please contact youreggquestions@getcracking.ca with your request. Someone from our team may need to contact you for further details of the removal, but we will our best to honour your request as soon as possible.