"How to store eggs"

Bart L.

Our Answer:

June 26, 2021
Eggs 101In the Kitchen

egg carton

Hi Bart,

This is a very common question.

How an egg is stored can impact the freshness and quality of an egg, so in order to keep your egg as fresh as possible for as long as possible, we recommend the following storage tips:

  • Refrigerate your eggs.  Canadian eggs are washed during the grading process, which removes the protective bloom. Keeping your eggs in the refrigerator limits bacteria growth.
  • Store the egg in the original carton, this also keeps the Best Before date handy.
  • Keep the carton in the body of the fridge, where the temperature remains the most stable.

Follow these simple recommendation and your eggs should remain fresh for a few weeks!

Our answers are current as of the date they’re posted.

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